Saturday, sovaldi November 1 was a great day for Maseno University Students. The Maseno Firefox Club had organised a Webmaker Party.The students met at Computer Lab 5 with one goal..WEBMAKER PARTY…With help of other Firefox Student Ambassadors Ann, case Charles, cialis Lucas and Sandra,Dean School of Computing and the Lab Technician they set up the venue and prepared the agenda for the day.
After ensuring the internet connection was working, the lead FSA, Newton Mawira, guided the team on how to access the Webmaker tools: X-Ray Goggles,thimble,Popcorn Maker and Appmaker.
Newton, the FSA lead started the event by introducing the attendees to Mozilla mission,Products,areas of contribution,Firefox Student Ambassadors,activities of Firefox Clubs and how to become a Mozilla contributor.
The attendees students started with X-Ray Goggles,they made a number of websites and ensured they all saved and published our makes.
The next app was Thimble, Charles guided the students on how to creating their clubs’s website.

Charles,FSA,Drawing a sketch of website that we were to design

Group Photo

This finally is one of the website the students were able to create.